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Classrooms for teachers

We have prepared the possibility for teachers to use Twigsee from a web browser environment on a computer. The login details are the same as for the mobile app.

At the moment, the web interface offers teachers the most important thing – easy management of the class book. Teachers can create a record of the day, including topics and additional notes in a simple and clear interface. Other modules that teachers know from the mobile app will be added very soon.

Class and date selection

In the top left section, you can select which class you want to take notes for. You can also browse older enrolments, thanks to the drop-down calendar in the side menu.

The left side of the class book also shows you the attendance and excuse counts for each day. There is no need to enter them manually, the numbers are entered automatically from the mobile app.

Twigsee can also browse older entries, thanks to the drop-down calendar in the side menu