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How to enter the class book from the Twigsee administration?

The class register should be completed at the end of or during each day. You can do this in the administration, where you complete all the necessary data and, if applicable, the child’s accident in a simple form.

TIP: Want to fill in the class book on your mobile?

1. Where is the Class Book tab located?

In the main left menu, select the Class Book tab

Twigsee classroom location in the navigation

2. Select a class

In the newly opened classbook window, select the class in the first field. Use the blue arrow on the right to expand the list of classes.

Twigsee how to write in the classroom

3. Select a date

In the second field of the top bar, select the date for which you want to make an entry in the class book. One week is always displayed in the class book window.

Twigsee selecting a date

4. Class Book entry

Use the blue button on the right side of the row of the day to open the class register window.

Twigsee use the blue button to open the classroom enrolment window

5. Filling in the day in the class register

Fill in everything you need – the topic, morning and afternoon learning activities, notes or a record of the hospitalization. Once completed, save the entry using the green button in the bottom right corner of the window.

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Twigsee filling in the classroom entry for the day and then saving the completed entry using the green Save button

6. Class book entry created

A green framed pop-up window informs you that the item has been successfully created.

Twigsee the entry has been created