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How to create classes in administration?

For better organization within the preschool you need to create classes. You then assign the children and the corresponding teacher to the classes. After that, the teacher can easily add posts and important information for the whole class, which will not be displayed to parents whose children do not belong to this class.

1. Where is the class list located?

In the left main menu, in the Classes tab, select Class List. Click to open the class list window.

Twigsee the list of classes is located in the Classes section of the navigation

2. Adding a new class

To create a new class, use the green + Add Class button in the upper-right corner.

Twigsee creating a new class using the green Add button

3. Completing class information

A window opens to enter information about the new class, including the name.

Twigsee filling in the class details

4. Adding children to a newly created class

Clicking in the Children box opens a menu of children entered in the preschool application. To assign specific children to a newly created class, click on the names in the menu.

Twigsee to assign children to a newly created class, click on a name in the menu

5. Adding teachers to a newly created class

Clicking in the Teachers box expands the menu of teachers specified in the preschool application. To assign specific teachers to a newly created class, click on the names in the menu.

Twigsee to assign teachers to a newly created class, click on a name in the menu

6. Saving a newly created class

To save the newly created class with all information, use the green Save button in the lower-right corner.

Twigsee save the new class using the green Save button

7. Class creation

The green-framed pop-up window created informs you of the saving of the newly created class. A new class is now created in the class list.

Twigsee the item has been created