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Invoicing for the provision of Twigsee services

1. What is the basis for the invoice?

The Twigsee system can be subscribed to on a monthly or annual basis. The invoice goes to each branch separately and is generated according to the information provided in the Preschool Edit and according to the licenses in force. The Preschool Editing category can be found in the Settings section in the left bar in PC Administration. Here you must click on the Billing Information section. Any change in this section will be written into the next invoice. Should you need to change an invoice that has already been issued, please contact us. The invoice is due for payment within 14 days.

2. Who will receive the invoice?

Invoices will go out to all emails listed in the Invoice Recipients section. There must always be at least one recipient listed.

3. Monthly billing and how do I adjust the number of licenses?

Billing for use of the Twigsee system is always done on the 1st of the month for that month.

Licenses are invoiced according to the actual number as of the 1st of the month and according to the valid contract. Thus, if a license is added, the next invoice will be automatically increased by the price for that person (according to the current price list – unless otherwise stated in the contract). To modify your chosen package, please contact, our colleagues will be happy to help you set everything up in a way that is most advantageous for you.

4. Annual billing and how do I adjust the number of licenses?

The invoice in this case goes out according to the agreed date. The system will then issue a new invoice on that date the following year.

If there is an increase in the number of users (licenses), the system will automatically issue a monthly invoice for that user (license) on the 1st of the month and will continue to invoice these additional licenses on a monthly basis unless the package is adjusted.